My Graduation Present


I guess the Geezer must have a soft spot. He gave me a graduation present. A new toy called a "wheel". I like it. Very chewy and runs all around the house by itself. What'll they think of next. We've been playing wheel for days and I just never get tired of it.

I don't mind telling you that I've dispatched all manner of quacky-ducks, squeaky-fish, and the like but I think this "wheel" may be around for a while. I put the whole thing in my mouth and bite down on it but it pushes back! At last, a worthy opponent!

This afternoon, me and the Geezer went jogging around the neighborhood a bit. I thought we were gonna make it to the beach but we saw Angie coming home from work and we went back home with her.

Well, enough bloggin', gotta go do some more wheelin'.

Let's stay in touch!
