The Dude's Diary

This was a pretty good week! The sun came out and I did a lot of hanging out. Took Angie down to the beach. She wanted to carry me for a bit, but I'm growing up and I had to think about my image. I walked down there and back by myself. It as great! I needed the workout.
Ran up and down the beach and did some digging in the sand. Did some running through the water, too. Ladies stop and tell Angie how cute I am. Chicks dig the Dude, what can I say?
People stop their cars to ask Angie about me. I guess it's the same as they are with Court. They just can't get over my Blackness.
Yeah, I've been putting on some weight lately and getting buffed up. I'm a working dog you know, so I gotta stay in shape. Can't wait to start chewin' on some burglars and stuff like that.
The Dude Talks...Politics

Lots of talk going on here about the California primary coming up in a few weeks. I was getting all excited about it until I heard I couldn't vote. I'm really not down with this whole denial of my Canine-American rights. It really bothers me. Is it becaue I'm black? Hmmm...
Angie hasn't said who she's gonna vote for. I've been watching these people on the TV though and it's hard to choose. This Obama guy seems okay but he doesn't feel much like a dog-person. You know, you just get a vibe about those kinds of things. But Hillary Clinton seems like someone worth sniffing. On the Republican side, I like Fred Thompson. He looks very bulldoggish and that kind of thing is a plus with me.
The Dude Talks...News
This was a pretty good week! The sun came out and I did a lot of hanging out. Took Angie down to the beach. She wanted to carry me for a bit, but I'm growing up and I had to think about my image. I walked down there and back by myself. It as great! I needed the workout.
Ran up and down the beach and did some digging in the sand. Did some running through the water, too. Ladies stop and tell Angie how cute I am. Chicks dig the Dude, what can I say?
People stop their cars to ask Angie about me. I guess it's the same as they are with Court. They just can't get over my Blackness.
Yeah, I've been putting on some weight lately and getting buffed up. I'm a working dog you know, so I gotta stay in shape. Can't wait to start chewin' on some burglars and stuff like that.
The Dude Talks...Politics

Lots of talk going on here about the California primary coming up in a few weeks. I was getting all excited about it until I heard I couldn't vote. I'm really not down with this whole denial of my Canine-American rights. It really bothers me. Is it becaue I'm black? Hmmm...
Angie hasn't said who she's gonna vote for. I've been watching these people on the TV though and it's hard to choose. This Obama guy seems okay but he doesn't feel much like a dog-person. You know, you just get a vibe about those kinds of things. But Hillary Clinton seems like someone worth sniffing. On the Republican side, I like Fred Thompson. He looks very bulldoggish and that kind of thing is a plus with me.
The Dude Talks...News
Hey look, I've gotta mention this thing with the tiger attacking some people in San Francisco the other day. I'm not sure what they were thinking. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not a hater or anything like that but, even though I haven't been around very long, the one thing I know about cats is, JUST SAY NO!
Let's stay in touch.
--the dude--
The Dude's Weekly Reading Recommendation: